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Woorden die beginnen met C
- clinket
- clinocefalie
- Clinocoris
- clinodactylie
- clinofobie
- clinografen
- clinologie
- clinomania
- clinomanie
- clinometer van Duane
- clinometers
- Clinophilus
- clio
- clip
- clip art
- clippers
- Clipsham steen
- clique
- clir
- clisis
- clisse
- clite
- clitische
- Clitoraal
- clitores
- clitoridectomie
- clitoridectomies
- clitoris
- clitoris crises
- clitorisme
- clitorissen
- clivensis
- clivis
- clivis monticuli
- clivus blumenbachii
- clivus van Blumenbach
- Cloaca
- cloaca maxima
- cloaca's
- cloaca-membraan
- cloacadieren
- cloacarius
- cloaque
- cloath chairs
- clochans
- Clochard
- clock in and out
- clockenreep
- clockensolder
- clockenvenster
- clockere
- cloete
- clofhamer
- cloisonné
- cloisonnistisch
- cloissonisme
- cloître
- clone
- clonering
- clonidine
- cloningsefficiëntie
- Clonisch
- clonorchiosis hepatis
- clonorchis endemicus
- clonorchis sinensis
- clonus patellaris
- clonus uteri
- cloosteraer
- cloostercrune
- cloostergoet
- cloostermolen
- cloostersede
- clootboge
- clophamer
- cloppen
- cloppere
- clopslach
- close gauntlets
- close plating
- close to the money
- close-range-fotogrammetrie
- close-ups
- closed end
- closed greaves
- closed hot site
- closed proprietary information
- closed shop
- closed stock
- closed-end fund
- closed-ended question
- closed-shop-verwerking
- closeout
- closet
- closetpapier
- Closetrol
- closing volume
- cloten
- clothes presses
- clou
- cloud
- cloud computing
- clouties
- clown
- clownachtig
- clownachtige
- clownerie
- clownerieën
- clownesk
- clowneske
- clownisme
- clowns
- clownseczeem
- clownsneus
- cluasule
- club
- Club van nucleaire leveranciers
- Club van Parijs
- Club van Rome
- clubhouse
- clubhuis
- clubhuiswerk
- clubhuizen
- clubje
- clubs
- clubstoelen
- clubvoetjes
- clucht
- cluchtlieden
- clueghene
- cluft
- clumping
- clunes
- cluniacenzer
- Clusa
- clusor
- cluster
- cluster legs
- cluster picking
- cluster sampling
- clusteranalyse
- clusterbesturingseenheid
- clusterbom
- clustersysteem
- Cluthra glas
- clv
- clysma
- clysteer
- cm
- Cm6
- Cm7
- Cmaj7
- cmip
- Cmmaj7
- cmos
- CMOS-technologie
- cms
- cmy
- cmyk
- cnaepambacht
- cnaepschap
- cnaepvaruwer
- cnape
- cnapekint
- CNC-machine
- cnecht
- cnectschole
- cneder
- cnemis
- cnesmus
- cnic
- cnidofobie
- cnidosis
- cnipbusse
- cnipcruut
- CNMA-conformiteitstestgereedschap
- cnocke
- cnokenhouwer
- cnol
- cnollerie
- cnopen
- cnr
- co-
- co-assistentschap
- co-branding
- co-creatie
- co-educatie
- co-enzym
- co-enzym A
- co-existent
- co-existente
- co-existentie
- CO-hemoglobine
- co-locatie
- co-lokatie
- co-maker overeenkomst
- co-makership
- co-managed inventory
- co-opting